To love God is to love your neighbor.
Engage in meaningful community impact through the opportunities offered by our department, where you can actively contribute to various projects and initiatives. We believe in the power of service to create positive change, providing students with a platform to lead and learn while making a difference in the lives of others.

Anselmian B.R.E.A.K. has been offered continuously for over 30 years! These service engagement weeks enable students to learn about Catholic social teaching while spending time living and working with those most in need.

Christmas Giving Tree
Campus Ministry partners with local Manchester organizations to provide Christmas gifts to local children.

Thorough P.A.U.S.E. (Participate And Understand Service Experience), students are given the opportunity to engage in hands on service in hopes of understanding each person's innate dignity and shared common humanity. Students will learn about social and systemic injustices through encountering individuals from new and various communities and hearing their stories.

Road for Hope
Every August, students walk from Lewiston, Maine to Saint Anselm College to raise funds for nine charities in Maine and New Hampshire. It is a modern-day pilgrimage that, in the words of the mission statement, "seeks to provide funds for the needy, strengthen the bonds in our communities, and rekindle the belief that every footstep makes a difference."

Thanksgiving Baskets
During the Fall Semester, our campus community comes together and works with NH Catholic Charities and other local organizations to provide Thanksgiving meals for local families. Representatives from nearly every campus department/organization participate in this beloved Anselmian tradition.

Volunteer Fair
Each year, representatives from non-profit organizations and post-grad volunteer organizations visit our campus to speak with students about post-graduate volunteer opportunities.