Study Abroad Programs are available with the full complement of short-term, Global Seminar and semester opportunities, including the college's flagship program in Italy! Take your Anselmian experience global next year!
Take Your Anselmian Experience Global
In the 21st century, a quality education is an international education.
Saint Anselm College is committed to students broadening their education and worldview through global experiences. Students who engage in global experiences gain greater intercultural awareness, a stronger understanding of complex global issues, and an increased sense of self and maturity. Critical skills developed and honed include communication, problem-solving/critical thinking, digital competencies and global fluency -- attributes listed in the top 8 competencies most desired by employers as determined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
The College's Office of International Programs provides comprehensive advising and guidance to students planning short-term educational experiences and traditional in-country options. Offering more than 65 programs for academics, service-learning, volunteering and internships -- we have a program that will meet your needs (and dreams!). Students can study through the college's flagship program in Italy, or can choose from dozens of varied locations. They have studied marine biology on the Great Barrier Reef, art history in the museums of Florence, finance in London, language in Madrid, and international relations in Shanghai, China, just to name a few.
Credit-bearing programs must be pre-approved. If you are interested in what opportunities are available, please schedule an appointment with Jane Bjerklie-Barry, Director.