Professor Eric Berry of the biology department took advantage of sunnier days this fall to move class outdoors.
Salty, buttery pretzels were just one of the specialties offered to alumni during Homecoming.

The 21st annual Road for Hope saw 46 students make the walk from Lewiston, Maine to Manchester.

Students and members of the monastic community enjoyed an afternoon of volleyball.

Multicultural Day was celebrated on campus with food, entertainment, and activities from around the world.

For the first time in program history, the Saint Anselm College field hockey team claimed the NE10 postseason title.

One of a pair of exhibitions curated from its Permanent Collection of Artworks this past fall at the the Alva de Mars Megan Chapel Art Center, LOCALITY: Celebrating New England Art and Craft Traditions presented decorative art by artists hailing from New Hampshire and neighboring regions.

Former Senator Judd Gregg visited the New Hampshire Institute of Politics to discuss the essence of New Hampshire.

Mini pumpkins made the perfect autumn centerpiece for the staff chili cook-off held this fall.
President Favazza and Dr. Paddy Cronin Favazza greeted carloads of students on Move-in Day.