Dear Friends,
One of the things I cherish about Saint Anselm College is that we are a community in the truest sense of the word. Nearly all students live on campus, many faculty and staff participate in the boundless volunteer and extracurricular activities, and, of course, the members of the monastery lead the way with a vow of stability, planting permanent roots on the Hilltop. Together, these form a strong foundation that undergirds the Anselmian family that transcends the average college experience.
While there is much opportunity for learning here on the Hilltop, we also support students who learn and explore beyond our brick entryway. With this in mind, we are so pleased to be through the worst of the pandemic and resume travel-abroad opportunities, many of which are featured in this issue of Portraits magazine.

In the cover story “Back to Botswana,” you’ll find a wonderful feature about Associate Professor Kimberly Kerey-Asbury, whose love of art and adventure has taken her to Botswana many times, most recently on sabbatical, where she has found inspiration and where she makes a deep impact.
Meanwhile, “The Fulbright: An Unforgettable Journey” highlights nine individuals who were recipients of the prestigious grant, including Paddy and I, sharing how the experience changed our lives and helped make us who we are today.
And in “Roam If You Want To,” you will read about our new flagship study abroad program in Tuscania, Italy, where 19 students spent the spring semester learning about Italian history, art, culture, and food. You also will learn about the many other global seminar courses available to our students, including recent trips to Argentina and France, along with service trips like the one our Saint Anselm nursing students take annually to Costa Rica.
These profound experiences outside of our campus are important ingredients for a transformative education to many members of our community, and we are happy to be back on the road. Of course, here on the Hilltop, it was an exciting year as well, with the advancement of our School of Nursing and Health Sciences, the impending opening of the Gregory J. Grappone ’04 Humanities Institute, the beginning of a new track and field program, and so much more.
I hope you enjoy this latest issue of the award-winning Portraits magazine, which provides a glimpse of what is happening at your beloved Saint Anselm College.
Joseph A. Favazza, Ph.D.