The Center for Ethics in Society has released the findings of its Annual Statewide Survey of Voter Attitudes on Affordable Housing, revealing robust pro-housing sentiments among New Hampshire voters.

Since 2020, the Center has been conducting this annual poll to gauge public opinion on affordable housing across the state. The 2024 survey results highlight a consistent and growing support for state efforts to address the affordable housing crisis.

Aerial view of Portsmouth, New Hampshire

The poll of 844 New Hampshire voters shows a large majority of the state’s residents support additional housing development: 75% of respondents agreed that their own communities need more affordable housing options.

This feedback underscores a broad-based endorsement of affordable housing measures, indicating that New Hampshire voters are increasingly in favor of state intervention to solve the housing shortage.

Additionally, the survey shows that pro-housing attitudes are strong across all demographic groups. Notably, homeowners and seniors (age 65+), groups often presumed to be resistant to change and labeled as NIMBY (Not-In-My-Backyard), displayed significant support for pro-housing initiatives.

“These poll results show that there is widespread support for more housing across the state and across every demographic category,” said Max Latona, Executive Director of the Center for Ethics in Society. “New Hampshire residents clearly want our state and local leaders to take action to encourage more homes to be built.”

Please email for full survey results from 2024 and from previous years. Funding for this survey was provided by New Hampshire Housing.