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Nonprofit Series: Strategies for Navigating Funding Uncertainty


April 8, 2025
3:00 pm EDT - 4:30 pm EDT

As government and philanthropic funding sources become more uncertain, nonprofit leaders must take control of their financial future by creating a strategic approach to revenue. Rather than relying on connections or funding opportunities, this series will offer a systematic process to develop sustainable revenue streams. Participants will learn how to align their revenue strategy with their organization's capacity and mission, creating a more resilient nonprofit.

This virtual series includes three webinar sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. The sessions will be held on:

  • Tuesday, April 8, 3:00-4:30 EST
  • Tuesday, April 22, 3:00-4:30 EST
  • Tuesday, May 6, 3:00-4:30 EST

A partnership program with the NH Center for Nonprofits.

About the speaker:

Steven Zimmerman, CPA, MBA, serves as the principal of Spectrum Nonprofit Services. His extensive nonprofit experience includes serving as a chief financial officer, development director, and associate director at community-based nonprofits, where he performed turnarounds resulting in increased financial sustainability and programmatic reach.

Zimmerman is a co-author of The Sustainability Mindset: Using the Matrix Map to Make Strategic Decisions with Jeanne Bell and the bestselling book Nonprofit Sustainability: Making Strategic Decisions for Financial Viability with Jeanne Bell and Jan Masaoka. The books highlight Spectrum Nonprofit’s integrated approach to nonprofits, which balances mission impact and financial viability.

Additionally, Zimmerman’s writing has been featured by Nonprofit Quarterly, BoardSource, and Harvard Business Review, and he contributed the strategy chapter to Wiley’s Nonprofit Management 101. He is a sought-after trainer and speaker on adaptive strategy, business models, and revenue strategy for nonprofits.

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