Innovative Care Approaches for Substance Use Disorders: Enhancing Empathy, Inclusivity, and Support
April 11, 2025
8:00 am EDT - 4:00 pm EDT
This program will cover humane care methodologies, the integration of co-occurring condition management, unique challenges and strategies for LGBTQ-inclusive care and considerations for decreasing stigma.
Planned Agenda:
- Humane Approaches to Care and Treatment
- Co-Occurring Bipolar Disorder and Substance Use Disorders
- Providing LTGBTQ Affirmative and Inclusive Services in Healthcare Settings
- Hiding in Plain Sight: Decreasing Stigma and Increasing Support
Learning Outcome:
- By the end of the program participants will improve their knowledge of humane and affirming care practices to improve patient outcomes and promote a more inclusive and supportive healthcare environment for individuals affected by substance use disorders.
- Donna White, DNP
- Stephanie Nicols, PharmD
- Phil McCabe, CSW, CAS
- Kim LaMontagne, MBA
5.5 Nursing Contact Hours
Fee: $130
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