Results for "housing we need initiative"

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Building a Better New Hampshire

The Building a Better New Hampshire Roundtable Series offers discussions on matters of ethical interest to the business, nonprofit, and policy communities. Programs cover current statewide and local issues, innovative models for community growth and development, and ethical decision-making in business and governance. 
new hampshire town from above

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Saint Anselm College Campus Ministry aims to create an inclusive environment where students can freely practice their beliefs, fostering a supportive community that embraces religious diversity, while at the same time celebrating our Catholic identity.

Students decorating part of the lower quad


16th Annual Sr. Pauline Relay for Life

March 10, 2023
6:00 pm EST

March 11, 2023
6:00 am EST

In conjunction with the American Cancer Society, the Service Societies of Saint Anselm will be hosting its 16th annual Sr. Pauline Relay for Life.  Sr. Pauline Lucier served Saint Anselm students for many years as a member of the Campus Ministry Office while she fought her battle against cancer.  Sr. Pauline lost her struggle in April of 2009, shortly after the second Relay concluded.  It is our intention that her memory and her celebration of life live on through Relay for Life at Saint Anselm. For more information about our Relay, please feel free to check us out on the web:

This year’s Relay will honor The Giard Family, Annee (Campus Communications and Marketing), her husband Greg, and their son James who will take the lead as the Giard family serves as our Grand Marshals. James, now 3, is a cancer survivor.  Annee will share their story during our Opening Ceremony.  A list of other Anselmians who will share their story will be announced closer to the event.  The Opening Ceremony and celebration begins shortly after 6:00 pm in the Carr Center.  All are welcome to attend.

Please seriously consider lending your support to the Sr. Pauline - Relay for Life. We sure could use your help.

Donations can be made by going on-line to the American Cancer Society Relay website:

Location Information
Carr Center

Contact Information
Susan S. Gabert`91 Ed.D. (she/hers)
Associate Dean of Students

Relay for life image


The Music Man

Every season, the Dana Center for the Performing Arts plays host to a steady stream of talented musicians, dancers, and performers—but, for a glimpse of a true musical master, take a peek behind the scenes.

Joe Deleaut