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Brother Isaac Murphy, O.S.B. Elected Sixth Abbot of Saint Anselm Abbey

Brother Isaac Murphy, O.S.B., has been elected the sixth abbot of Saint Anselm Abbey. This historic moment marks Abbot Isaac as the first non-ordained abbot in the United States. The abbatial election was concluded on Monday, June 17, after permission from the Holy See, the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, was received.

Abbot Isaac Murphy, O.S.B.

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Academic Program

The Major in Classics focuses on mastering the classical languages and thereby engaging ancient literary works directly.  The close attention given to Greek and Latin texts develops in the Classics major an ability to think critically, examine and weigh words carefully, and communicate effectively.  Our graduates often pursue advanced degrees in Classics, Ancient History or Archaeology, some go on to related fields in the liberal arts, or attend professional schools in law or medicine.

roman sculptures