Bearing witness to past and recent examples of overt and systemic racism, we as Anselmians advocate for social justice, inclusion, and equity for members for our community who are Black, Indigenous and people of color. In keeping with our belief in the human dignity of all people and the importance of social justice as foundational to our Catholic and Benedictine mission, we strongly affirm that Black lives matter.
Dear Anselmian Community,
During our 2020 worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, its disparities and racial protests, President Favazza issued a call for empathy and action. Anselmians from across campus came together to discuss what we as individuals and as a college can do to advance an anti-racism agenda. The Anselmian Network for Racial Justice was formed. Together we will work to cultivate empathy in our students and one another, as well as commit ourselves to reviewing institutional practices and policies to ensure our community is both just and equitable.
The Anselmian Network for Racial Justice is working through a variety of avenues. First, we will acknowledge the source of the national pain from racism in America. By acknowledging systemic racism, we will take the first step in our responsibility as a Catholic institution to stand up to racism. Second, we will embody our Anselmian commitment to education. We will read, study, listen, and learn as much as we can about racial justice in society. Third, we will unflinchingly engage in self-reflection and dialogue with those who have different life experiences and perspectives. And lastly, we will encourage one another to act individually and collectively in order to bring about a more inclusive and just society.
This is a collective effort that started with a network of 40 faculty and staff and continues to grow. In addition, more than 100 student leaders including our Student Government Association are joining to co-develop and implement co-curricular programming. Below is our current list of working groups, a brief description, and contact information for that group. For more information, or to join any of the network’s efforts, please contact one of the network’s leadership team listed below: We welcome you to join in this college effort and help Anselmians advance the common good.
Ande Diaz, Director of the Office for Diversity & Inclusion (and Chief Diversity Officer) and the Anselmian Racial Justice Network leadership team
The ANRJ Leadership Team:
Wayne Currie (Father Jonathan Center for Intercultural Learning & Inclusion)
Paddy Favazza (Office for Diversity & Inclusion and the Academic Resource Center)
Susan Gabert (Campus Ministry)
Christine Gustafson (Politics Department and Office of the Dean of the College)
Nickie Lora (Meelia Center for Community Engagement)
Kat O’Laughlin (Campus Ministry)
Liana Pennington (Criminal Justice Department)
Aubrey Scheopner Torres (Education Department)
Tauna Sisco (Sociology & Social Work Department)
Sara Smits Keeney (Core Curriculum, Peace & Justice Studies, and Sociology & Social Work Department)

Contact Ande Diaz
Director of the Office for Diversity & Inclusion (and Chief Diversity Officer) and the Anselmian Racial Justice Network Leadership Team